Wednesday 1 April 2015

FINAL COSTUME OUTCOME: Trialling on Manikin/Model

Modifications Required:
My piece just required a few final touches but nothing major at all.
- Add another fastening from the shoulder piece to the body board piece to just add a better stability with the shoulder piece; making model feel more secure.
- Just to give another cm give on the waist width, and stitch back into place; due to model just fitting into it; wanting to make it more comfortable for her to catwalk in.

SO pleased with the final outcome, looks exactly how I wished it would look. Clear links to my initial ideas and designs with strong resemblance and effect linking to my chosen theme.
Overall VERY pleased and overwhelmed and what I managed to create with hard work and knowledge of Textiles.

I don't feel there are any negatives at this stage, I feel my piece was well thought through and hope it will be as much of a success as I have planned it to be.

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