Saturday 4 April 2015


Mola Sample: 
There was a few elements of simple tweaking that was needed on the Mola Sample section, simple things like I hadn't taken into account the volume of material, so pinning was required at a more frequent occurrence.
Another thing was I had to slightly modify the design, simply so the image was be clearer on the design; this changed because of my scale of design became a little shorter (due to my model being smaller then your average size)

Cubism Illustrations for Shoes:
This stage went very smoothly, due to a well planned technique (Mola again) this stage was very straight forward but a good use of my skill-base. 
One slight modification that was made was I decided to mount the pieces with card, to allow application to be stronger in structure and hold. Due to care being easily to glue to and supple with the shapes required.

This Stage of making was very straight forward and not much of a hiccup in comparison to other stages. I was very pleased with the outcome and it fitted my visual and first-hand ideas that I design for these features within my Design.

One negative I would announce, would be the attention to detail was a challenge. Working with the volume of fabric made it very hard to prepare the work in my neatest format, However with a bit of persistence I managed to tweak that rough edges afterwards.

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