Friday 3 April 2015


Creating the Shoulder Piece:
I made one modifications to my planning of making this section, I altered the material of which I used to fill the shoulder piece; creating the padding. I used the foam board for a more rigid and 'unnatural' body shape/position like Cubism theme stimulates. Rather the using stuffing material.

Completing the Body Board:
Modifications didn't really apply in this section of making, an alteration I made which was very minor was just creating even more decorative foam fabric pieces to have more to work with when I finally put it all together on my model.

- The planning and though  process' I went through when designing this piece were effective and correct, making the completion of these pieces effective and achievable matching my theme with good strength.
- Another positive on a more personal level, was a self sense of achievement! The fact I mapped out and made all the pattern pieces and sections myself without any bought pattern pieces/templates. Very pleased with the shapes and sizes of all outcomes.

The one negative for me, was figuring out how I could apply the pieces to a flat service into a 3D format; it became a challenge. However after some researching I decided to stick with the most secure and safe way, to work with the shapes I have and ensure a good surface area is attached to the pieces securely.

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