Saturday 4 April 2015


Creations with Boning:
Modifications were minor with this section, just a slight change of application product to the boning, simply just used a hot glue gun to secure the boning due to purchases a boning with a solid centre (meaning a could not machine sew within it- or it would break the needle). Easily solved!

Creations with Zip Section:
This whole section was a modifications, unfortunately when I was stitching and completing the skirt linings and seam allowances, I lost a amount of measurement resulting in my waist being a bit tight for my Models measurements. So when i went to apply the Zip I came up with this idea of adding a 'zip section' to give me more width around the waist and a bit of leniency with the measurements. It worked effectively just as I had hoped it would!

Creations with Shoulder:
This was only the first preparations for this section- so all was smooth running.

Good production, safely applied and well produced.
Pleased with the overall image of the Boning sections, clean and tidy to the edge.
Overall very pleased with the turn out with clear links to my design ideas/theme.

Due to the changes in the Zip Section and having to recreate the concept of this section to help get my width back, it was a challenge and was a negative due to putting a stall in my work plans. However, it was easily reorganised and resolved.

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